Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Opening Day

First a quick story from one of the brokers:

“A few weeks ago you mentioned the Big Game Pack from the Oakland A’s. I bought that the next day. Last week the tickets cam in. I did not price them too high because I wanted to be sure they sold. Well they started selling. The Home Opener and Yankees tickets went real quick. So did one of the Red Sox games. I raised the prices on the rest of the Bigger of the big games since most of them are sorta far off. Between this and a few concerts I have done already, I have made a tidy sum.”

Monday is opening day. Expect a lot of baseball activity for the next 14 days. This is a very busy period for that. Remember to consign your tickets if you have a batch of them. Also keep in mind after the first 10 – 12 days of the baseball season, expect a bit of a slowdown for just over a week. (approx 4/12 – 4/23) This happens every year and should be expected. Activity will resume normal “in-season” activity after that. This is also a good time to remind everyone that we do not make a profit on every MLB game. When the Pirates or Devil Rays come to town for a Tuesday game, you want to price those to move and recover what you can. We make our money on the weekend games and the “big games” to cover those.

Next week we are going to have some analysis on early MLB ticket sales.

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