Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pennsylvania Ticket Resale Law Changes

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell signed a bill on 7/16/2007 that has removed price restrictions for the sale of event tickets online. The previous law capped the resale price of tickets to 25% over the face value. The law applied to resellers in the state.

The new law completely removes the cap and requires that the reseller guarantee a full refund if the event is cancelled or the ticket is not valid upon entry. The law also states

“A reseller that uses [an] Internet website shall not be required to obtain a license to resell through the Internet website if the operator of the Internet website: Has a business presence and physical street address in this Commonwealth and clearly and conspicuously posts that address on the Internet website, or has a business presence in this Commonwealth and one of the following: a registered agent, a foreign business license or a certificate of authority issued by the Department of State.”

The means that StubHub, eBay, Ticketmaster and every other resellers need to rent office space in Pennsylvania. Something most already do.

The house bill, which was passed on 3/28/2007, was unanimously approved. The governor was quoted as saying “Pennsylvania must make a change that a number of other states have already made”.
Pennsylvania becomes another in a line of states to repeal or ease ticket resale laws over the last few years.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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