Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tickemaster’s Crystal Ball

Any shrewd business who looks into the crystal ball on occasion will have to ask themselves “what else can we do?” Successful businesses have to consider ways to improve their product line, find new sources of revenue and even create new markets.

The best ever example of this was when George Lucas had the foresight to negotiate for the merchandising rights to Star Wars. He gambles that there was more money in that than the movies. He was right. The Star Wars series has made $6.5 Billion in ticket sales but has exceeded $9 Billion in merchandising fees. Come to my house some day and you will see why.

Ticketmaster is starting a new campaign called the “Ultimate Sports Fan Experiences”. Take some of the best games there are, throw in premium seats, hotel rooms, tailgate parties, VIP sections, maybe even premium traffic lanes from the stadium and put it all into a nice tidy package.

Want to see the classic rivalry of Michigan vs. Notre Dame? – you can make a weekend of it for $1,245 per person.

You have heard from us multiple that this is more than just tickets. It is experiences and memories tat motivates people to pay a premium for good seats. Having a package to extend the event is the natural evolution of ticket sales.

For more information, go to:,+10:00+AM

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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