Friday, July 25, 2008

Prepare now for the October Boom Cycle

October is one of the most profitable months for ticket brokers. To fully take advantage of the October busy season, ticket brokers need to prepare a few months ion advance.

Major league baseball playoff tickets are still one of the most accessible tickets to procure and the demand is still very high. Greg Cox, the COO of says “a shrewd ticket broker can enter baseball marketplace as late as August and still capitalize on the October boom. The hardcore fan does not start thinking out the playoffs until September. Simply by thinking a month or two ahead enables us to maximize profits with minimal risks”. Mr. Cox also states “October is one of several busy seasons. We teach people how to prepare for these seasons. The goal of being a successful ticket broker is to make decent profits in off-peak and prepare your self to capitalize on the peak. This makes maximum use of our time and capital.”

To learn more about becoming a ticket broker, please visit

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