Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Love this Game!

Actually I love the playoff format. If your team has home court advantage in the NBA playoffs you could potentially look at 16 playoff games. 16 high profile and high dollar games. Compare that to the NFL where if your team is really good you get two playoff games.

While it is rare to have 16 home playoff games, But we have seen 12 – 13 home games for the teams that reach the finals in recent years. Even if your team does not go far, we still have the opportunity to sell a few games. When the early rounds are averaging $50 - $100 profit per ticket, we are still making money.

The NBA does not make as much during the regular season as MLB or the NFL. But the vast number of playoff games helps bring our returns up. It is also a bit easier to predict who will be going into the playoffs. It take s awhile for an NBA team to improve and once it does, it take a while to decline. It is rare that a team that goes far in the playoffs one year doe not make it back the next. When it does happen, you can often see it coming.

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