Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Chasing Records

As of this writing Barry Bonds has hit home run #749 (the last being June 22 against the Yankees) and Craig Biggio is sitting on 2997 hits (3 shy of being the 27th player to surpass the 3000 hit barrier).

For Bonds the week of July 23rd through the 30th seems a likely target to tie and pass Hank Aarons record of 755 home runs. For Biggio the weekend of June 28 – 30 seems a good target for the barrier to be crossed. Both of these are home stands.

Sammy Sosa hit home run number 600 last week on June 20th.

Hooray for everyone. But how does this mean money for us?

Chasing records like this makes it challenging to synchronize our maximum profits with the chase.

For example – Before the season started, it was proposed that Craig Biggio would get number 3000 in early to mid June. This was based on what he did last year. Biggio is not having his best season. His batting average is waddling around .238. It is taking a while.

When people know the exact game, the ticket value will go way up. But it is impossible to know the exact game. Holding onto tickets hoping to sell them for the exact game goes against the system of selling early.

When Barry Bonds was trying to surpass Babe Ruth’s home run mark last year, it took three weeks. This is not like Cal Ripken’s iron man mark of contiguous games where we can pinpoint the exact day.

Now what to do next time milestones roll around. Let the fans decide the market. I probably sold more Astros tickets for June at a little more money than I have in previous years. Ditto for the Giants and Rangers. I will not try to time the market. Someone is making 200 on Biggio’s 3000 hit game. I already made $40 on that game (whenever it is) and $40 on every game around it.

This is a big year for milestones. There are usually not that many passed in a single year, but it will happen again.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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