Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Baseball Playoffs

For those of you who have baseball season tickets, you are probably hearing from the team about post season options. Grab everything you can. Get the full strips and if the team is offering any extra tickets, get as many as you can.

Not every team offers the extra post season tickets. The Yankees, for example, only offer the option to buy extra post season tickets to their very long term season ticket holders.

Most teams also give you a choice of either crediting the unused amount for next season or give you your money back. We always opt for the credit to next season. When we opt to get the money back, they usually do not send the check until late November or December. It is usually less than 30 days when we need to start making payments on the next season. It becomes a pain to make the payments on all the individual teams. It is easier for volume sellers to make the smaller payments later.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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