Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Busy Week

We are in the middle of one of the busier weeks we have. Baseball season is winding down and the playoffs are about to heat up. We are receiving our playoff tickets right now. Many teams are traditionally slow about sending these out. It can get frustrating since we need receive them and immediately Fedex them out to buyers or to a consignment location.

Keep in mind, those of you who do baseball, most tickets do not sell until the opponent, date and venue are set. Once those are set, get ready!
October is always our most profitable month. Baseball playoff tickets sell fast and sell high. We are hoping for a New York Subway Series. This could do really well for us since we are heavy in both of those teams. We also have interest in the Angels, Indians, Brewers and Phillies. Either way, we have several teams going in which increases the probability that we are holding onto World Series tickets.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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