Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Price of Perfection

There is a debate to be had about who got into a bigger uproar last week – Giants Fans or Patriots Fans.

With the New England Patriots trying to finish a perfect season, this became the hot ticket for all of Massachusetts. Unfortunately for them they had o go on the road to see it. The game was played in the Meadowlands – home of the Giants and Jets.

With such a historic moment, Patriot fans were willing to shell out for premium dollars. The only thing missing was Hannah Montana playing at halftime. There were multiple reports of ticket being sold at 15 times face value. One suite was listed for $26,000 for the game.

More than one Giants fan paid for their entire season last Sunday. Time to reread the section in the manual about “rabid fans”.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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