Thursday, February 14, 2008

Return to Normalcy

Not too long ago, parents in North Carolina were suing everyone to get their Hannah Montana tickets. The fervor seems to have died down a bit

Representative Drew Saunders (D) has introduced HB1418 regarding “Resale of Tickets via Internet”. The bill states the following:

nothing shall prohibit the resale or offering for resale via the Internet of an admission ticket, at any price, to an athletic contest, dance, theater, concert, circus, or other amusement, if the organizer of the event or the operator of the location where the event is occurring authorize admission tickets to the event to be resold for more than the price printed on the face of the ticket. If such resale is authorized, any admission ticket to the event may be resold or offered for resale through any Web site if the Web site's operator guarantees a full refund of the amount paid for the ticket

While it is taking North Carolina a while, probably due to Hannah Montana, they are joining the ever growing list of states that are relaxed there ticket reselling laws.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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