Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It’s the Economy

Times are tough. Oil is $126 a barrel. Gas is closing in on $4.00 a gallon. Bread prices are up 25%. Eggs prices are up 50%.

While we are not economist, it seems pretty obvious that we are in a recession. We never actually know that we are in one until after it is over. A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters with a decline of GDP. Since figures for any given quarter do not come out until months after the quarter is done, we do not know we are in a recession until it is over.

Quarterly reports aside, there is no argument that times are tough. Here is one that goes against the grain. MLB officials say attendance is 2.6 percent ahead of record-breaking figures from last season. There does seem to be some evidence that spending habits are changing a bit when it some to how they spend money getting to the game and once they are at the game. MLB does not publish beer sales so it is hard to really determine that number.

One does not have to look far to hear stories about how people are tightening their belts. We are in the middle of the concert and baseball seasons. Out own ticket sales are brisk for each. This only makes us more excited when the economy rebounds a bit.

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