Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Good time for Yankees tickets holders

This year really begins a huge upswing for Yankee season ticket holders. The stars are aligned on several fronts:

• The Yankees are good
• The Red Sox are better
• The Rays do not suck
• The All-Star Game
• This is the last year in Yankee stadium

The Yankees are good – One can ask the question – When was the last time they sere not good? Valid question. Regardless, when a team comes to play every year, it is good for ticket brokers.

The Red Sox are better – Some die-hard Yankee fan is going to send me a 5 page essay on why the Yankees are better than the Red Sox, but until the Yankees beat the Red Sox in the ALCS and win the World Series, I stand by my statement. Red Sox /Yankees is baseballs biggest rivalry. There is a strong argument it is the best rivalry in all of sports. Regardless of where is stands in the pecking order - the better the teams, the more intense the rivalry. All of this translates into higher priced ticket sales.

The Rays (formerly Devil Rays) do not suck – For years the Rays were a poor draw. We were lucky to break even on these. The Yankees fan is one of the more knowledgeable fans out there. Many know the Rays have some of the best young talent in baseball. They also know there team has been beat by other teams with low payroll and young players. The Rays are not quite the pushover anymore.

The All-Star game- This is held in Yankee stadium. Season ticket holders get first dibs on seats. A nice premium package to go with everything else this year.

This is the last year in Yankee stadium – above all else, this will drive ticket process sky high. The farewell to Yankee Stadium movement is in full swing. Prices for the last weekend and the final Old-timers game are nearing Opening Day prices.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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