Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tigers are Roaring

Early ticket sales for the Detroit tigers are going fast. During the first weekend of single game ticket sales, there were nearly 202,000 sold. They have also sold over 26,000 season tickets. This is an increase of over 8,000 from last year.

Tiger Stadium has a capacity of 52,400. Over 81 games the potential attendance could be 4,244,400. From that potential capacity - 2,106,000 are already sold to season ticket holders. This means they sold nearly 10% of the remaining inventory on the opening ticket sales weekend. Not bad.

From our own inventory of Tigers tickets, we have sold over 45% of the. We are also at 70.5% of the breakeven point. We also have several big ticket and Saturday games left. This could be the earliest we ever break even on a team.

The Tigers have put a good product on the field. The team consists mainly of young home-grown talent. It seems like the fans see this and support it.

For those considering investing in another team, we encourage you to consider the Tigers. It could be part of an inventory that will be in demand for some time.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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