Wednesday, March 19, 2008

State of Baseball

One must read the following article on the state of baseball.

If anyone was wondering if the Mitchell Report was going to have a negative impact on MLB ticket sales, the answer is a load and clear NO. Let’s look at MLB total attendance over the last few years

2003 67,630,052
2004 72,968,953
2005 74,385,295
2006 75,997,622
2007 79,493,687
2003 2007
Number of teams exceeding 4M attendance 0 1
Number of teams exceeding 3M attendance 5 10
Number of teams exceeding 2M attendance 19 24
Number of teams exceeding 1.5M attendance 25 28

The expectation is that ticket sales will exceed 81 million in 2008.

In short, prices are skyrocketing but so is demand. Even the Tampa Bay Rays have increased attendance by 300,000. Hopefully $81,000 for a season ticket plan will remain an anomaly in New York, but considering it has gone up in price 81 times over 35 years, other team might be a decade of so behind.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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