Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A New Tip

We will be adding a new tip in the manual. We now have some better data to support it. Just about every MLB team has a “FanFest’ between late January and early February. This is an opportunity for the team to reach out to the fans. Many players are available for autographs, there is memorabilia to be bought, perhaps an exhibition game or games for the kids. These are often cheap to get in (tickets around $10). Many clubs have between 10,000 – 20,000 attending. The events are often held for a Friday – Sunday.

If you have listings up before a fanfest, you are probably seeing just a few sales coming in because it is so early. The weekend of a fanfest could see sales multiply by several times. Ticket sites report that when a team’s fanfest is occurring, teffic for that team will increase about ten times and sales about five times. These subsequently go down until spring training when we see another spike.

Unless you have significant volume, you might not see 5 times the sales since you are one of several listings, but you should see your sales go up. Remember we want to price our early listings on the high side. We can sell tickets for a price early that you cannot get later. It is a great way to increase your margins. It is not uncommon to sell a regular season ticket for 5 times face value this time of year. If you have that same ticket a week before the game you might only get 10% over face value. 10% or 500% - easy choice.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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