Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nice Weekend?

Have a good Memorial Day Weekend? We did. I did not get interrupted very often by email notifications, that’s for sure.

Holiday weekends = Bad online sales.

We had a trickle of sales over the weekend. During a regular day in a regular week we average 20+ tickets a day.

It is not unusual for us to sell 50 tickets on one day and 8 the next. There are a lot of mini-cycles in play. A particular sports team is doing well – sales for that team go up. A team is enduring a 8 game losing streak - they go down. New Playoff series announces– back up. Four weeks past the concert announcement – back down.

We have an extensive inventory across multiple events and have done this for several years. We see these trends. When we average out the mini-trends, we expect to see 20+ tickets leave our inventory.

The one trend we never escape is that every Memorial Day, Labor Day, 4th of July, Christmas, Thanksgiving and every other major holiday – sales just crawl regardless of everything else.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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