Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Three Sentences and Five Words

A lot of our updates focus on great deals someone made or how another broker made a ton of money or some special offer out there that we can make a bunch of money on. Not this week. Three sentences and five words.

Mavs lose.
Rockets lose.

While we are not out of NBA playoff tickets completely, we did have more invested in these two teams than others.

The Mavericks seemed as much of a lock to return to the NBA Finals as there could be. Keep in mind that from the broker’s perspective, going to the championship series / game is more important than winning it.

The Mavs went to the NBA Finals last year and had a 6 game series. They posted the best record in the NBA with 67 wins. This was the sixth best regular season record ever in the history of the NBA. They were the number one seed through out the playoffs. This would have given us the optimal 16 potential home games. Every game 7, with the highest profit margin, would be played at home. They finished the regular season with their 234th consecutive sellout. We had already sold some of our NBA Finals tickets that would have given us $1100 profit PER TICKET. We had loaded up with the maximum playoff tickets we could get. The first round of the playoffs was against the number 8 seed, who barely made it to the playoffs. Life was looking good.

Mavs lose.

The Golden State Warriors beat them in 6 games. While we do not loose money on this, we were expecting to make a lot on it. The games that we sold ticket for that are not going to be played are just cancelled transactions. N/o money will change hands.

We look at the playoff series find the probabilities of a team going to the Finals. It seemed the team that could give the Mavs the most trouble was the Houston Rockets, who we also had season tickets for. Guess who else we loaded up on. By know you know the story there. Rockets lose.

And no, we did not have tickets for the Golden State Warriors and Utah Jazz. All is not lost for us with the playoffs though. We do have other teams and we can still make it a very profitable postseason.

I bring all this up because sometimes we can make the best decisions we can, but not everything is under our control. Would we do anything different? No. We have a plan and stick to it.

We cannot make the rain stop but you can choose to bring an umbrella.

To learn how to make money being a ticket broker, visit

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